Geonik's Overdrive 2

by George Nicolaidis


The Overdrive is another distortion effect that can be added to your arsenal of low-quality, garbage-producing and noise inflicting effects. Its implementation is based on Generator 1.5 overdrive... Overdrive seems to work well only with inputs that don't span over many frequencies.

What's new

Release 1 Initial release
Release 2 Output volume, DC offset corrected, faster, drive up to 64dB


P a r a m e t e r s

Drive Pre-amplification of the input before distorting
Assymetry Makes sound rougher
CutOff frequency Name says it all
Emphasis This is actually the resonance of the filter that is aplied on the signal before being output
Output Volume Adjusts the volume of the output


I wasn't expecting this plugin to be used for anything good. Fortunately I have been proved wrong and there are actually some great songs out there that use overdrive

Contact Information

Author George Nicolaidis